cryogen in github pages

December 2, 2014

... because it wasn't so easy :) ... issue

I'll share here the process that I'd to follow to get cryogen (a great clojure static site generator) finally working in github pages.

1. setup two github repos

  1. follow github instructions and create a repo named "your-blog"
  2. follow github instructions and create a repo named "" (in my case

2. create locally your cryogen blog project

  1. $ lein new cryogen your-blog
  2. $ cd your-blog

3 .configure cryogen to work with github pages

change resources/templates/config.edn
:blog-prefix ""

4. configure github repos

  1. $ git init
  2. add /resources/public line to your-blog/.gitignore file
  3. $ git add . && git commit -m "first commit"
  4. $ git remote add origin && git push -u origin master
  5. $ git clone resources/public

5. start cryogen and edit your resources .md

$ lein ring server

6. publish your changes

$ git add . && git commit -am "WIP" && git push

$ cd resources/public && git add . && git commit -am "WIP" && git push && cd ../../

(Loop) => Instructions to make changes

cd your-blog
lein ring server
.... edit your site to get new web version ....
... and push changes to both repos ....
git add . && git commit -am "WIP" && git push
cd resources/public &&  git add . && git commit -am "WIP" && git push && cd ../../

PS: now using MacDown as Markdown editor client
